Storage of cancer tissue at room temperature using TissueReady™ PLUS - Atelerix

Storage of cancer tissue at room temperature using TissueReady™ PLUS

New White Paper Released! The sourcing of primary tissue is vital for many fields of research and is becoming increasingly important for use in advanced screening techniques/diagnosis, drug development and patient-derived model generation as healthcare moves towards personalised medicine. Tissue quality deteriorates rapidly after retrieval, and therefore need to be used as close to the retrieval time possible to ensure the best quality outcomes. Unfortunately, the sites of tissue retrieval is not always close to sites requiring the tissue, resulting in extended distribution times and a reduction in the quality of tissue.

TissueReady™ PLUS offers a simple solution that preserves the viability and quality of tissue at ambient temperatures, increasing their shelf-life, enabling shipment, enhancing the flexibility of workflows and improving the quality of screening and model generation from these tissues.

You can access the full paper using the link below:

WP-2302_TissueReady Plus White Paper 2023

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